
The ImmerSAFE project will advance the state of the art in the area of immersive visual technologies (IVT) for safety-critical applications by working towards three specific objectives:

  1. Develop new robust and reliable IVT, in particular novel approaches to sensing, visualisation and reliable data transmission.
  2. Determine optimal implementation of IVT under challenging conditions and integration into existing frameworks in two example use cases: mobile work machines and control centres.
  3. Increase knowledge on the human factors affecting the adoption and use of IVT through user experience testing, task performance metrics and organizational level studies.

Consequently, the research programme is organized in three work packages (WPs), where individual projects are integrated in order to address the challenges in immersive visual technologies for safety-critical applications.:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 764951.